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The Secrets to Building Your “Immunity Superpower”

It’s likely we all know someone who seems to have “superhuman” health. While we mortals battle seasonal allergies, colds, flu, stomach bugs and whatever else is making the rounds at schools and workplaces, these immunity superheroes go on working and playing or, if they do get sick, they overcome it quickly. Why is that?

Since the time of Hippocrates, the answer has been a mystery capturing the attention of doctors and researchers. In fact, there is a rigorous area of research known as psychoneuroimmunology that specifically focuses on this mystery. That’s a fancy word for the study of the way the mind (psych), the body (neuro, nervous system), and the immune system interact and contribute to both good health and illness, as well as recovery from illness, among other areas of scientific interest.

Research has begun to reveal how genetics, lifestyle, stress, personal history of illness and exposure to toxins affect the strength and resiliency of our immune response. These discoveries help delineate the characteristics that give some people “immunity superpowers” and explain why the rest of us have more kryptonite to overcome in our quest for health and vitality.

What Makes Us Vulnerable to Getting Sick?

When a person gets sick — be it an acute illness like a cold, a chronic disease such as diabetes, or something more serious like cancer or COVID-19 — a number of factors contribute to what makes us vulnerable to illness:

Genetics and family history. An increased likelihood for certain diseases can be “set-up” in a person’s biology by genetics and family history. But biology is not destiny. Just because a parent had a certain illness, doesn’t mean you are destined to the same fate. You are a unique individual living in a different time, having different experiences, with likely more knowledge about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle than the family who came before you.

Environment. While genetics provides your body with a template for health versus disease risk, the environment in which you work, live, and play fills in the details for that template to activate/deactivate different pathways within the nervous, immune, and endocrine systems. This revolutionary field of study known as epigenetics examines how your behaviors and environment can cause changes that affect the way your genes work.

Lifestyle. Broadly speaking, lifestyle is the end-game when it comes to vulnerability to or resilience over illness. Your lifestyle habits can make you more likely to get ill in two ways:

  1. by activating your genetic predispositions or
  2. by introducing germ-warfare that your body is not equipped to defend against.

On the positive side, lifestyle habits can rewire genetic predispositions and strengthen the immune response, which makes your body more resilient to viral or bacterial invaders.

Health science has shown us strong evidence for what we can do to make our bodies healthy, more resilient to illness, and better able to thrive as nature intended.

How to Build Your Immunity Superpower

There are several lifestyle “secrets” that can help you build your immunity superpower:

Nourish the Body. Your body needs fresh, colorful fruits and vegetables; lean meat, poultry and fish; healthy oils, whole grains, and nuts. It needs adequate hydration for digestion and absorption of nutrients and the efficiency with which all organ systems are able to work. You can complement high-quality nutrition with supplements such as vitamins, minerals, and herbs that are known to support the immune system (e.g., cod liver oil, probiotics, garlic, vitamins D, antioxidants such as vitamin C and A, astragalus, and ashwagandha among many others).

Relax the Mind/Body. Taking time to relax — away from phones and other screens — is essential to immunity. Research on the power of the mind over illness, and the effects of stress on immunity, demonstrates that a calm mind/body is better able to defend against disease and can even reduce the severity of illness when it occurs. Yoga, breathwork, mindfulness practices, massage therapy, gardening, zen sandboxes, guided imagery, and having a good laugh (yes! laughter) are a few of the practices that can shift the body’s template from disease-promoting to health-promoting.

Move the Body. Consistent, moderately vigorous daily exercise not only does wonders for heart, lungs, and muscles, it’s good for the health of the brain and immune system. If you aren’t exercising regularly, consult with your holistic health practitioner or a certified fitness professional to help you get started.

Live Clean. Strive to actively control the things you use and put in your environment. Use air purifiers. Clean home air filters regularly. Use organic (less toxic) household cleaning supplies. Carefully choose the cosmetics you use on your skin.

Remember: health is a journey. The more often you practice healthy lifestyle habits, the healthier you make the template within the body and the more likely you will be to create your own “health superpower.”


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Spring Clean Your Way to Better Health

Spring Clean Your Way to Better Health

With warm temperatures starting to become more common, it’s time to open the windows and doors and let the fresh air and fresh start into your home. Spring is a great time to “Marie Kondo” your closets and drawers and decide what brings you joy and can stay, and what needs to be put in the donation box.

Spring cleaning is a bit of a right of passage each year, just like setting those New Year’s resolutions. The Spring season is known as a time of rebirth and renewal and as the days get longer and lighter, it really is an ideal time to renew your living space. But, did you know that Spring cleaning can not only be good for organizing your house, but it can lift your mood as well. 

One of the main benefits of Spring cleaning is that it gives you a feeling of accomplishment, to finish a task you have started. Our brains feel good when we can check this off the list which can then reduce tension and stress since the task is no longer hanging over your head. Not to mention the fact that you can see and feel how good a space feels to you once it has been cleaned and/or organized.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, Spring cleaning can also be a form of therapy that helps you reduce stress. There are some people who find that cleaning can help them organize their thoughts and reduce the feeling of being overwhelmed. It can restore a sense of control and help you organize your thoughts as you organize and clean your space!

And just think about the peaceful feeling that comes when you can sit back, relax and admire a clean and aesthetically pleasing space. If your bedroom is a hot mess, it is literally the first and last thing you look at when you wake up and fall asleep. Think about how much better you will feel waking up and going to bed when you have a peaceful and clean space to start and end your day in 

 Another way that Spring cleaning can improve your mental health is that it can actually improve your focus. And if you suffer from ADHD, then you know you already have issues with trying to stay focused so keeping your space clean and organized is going to keep you free of unnecessary distractions. And we all know how important this is now that so many people work from home. The last thing you want to be doing is hiding those dirty dishes on your desk before your morning Zoom call. 

A physical benefit to Spring cleaning is the fact that it gets you moving. Cleaning your windows or vacuuming a large space can help you break a sweat and get some endorphins pumping. While cleaning your house isn’t a substitute for exercise, it is still great for your body to get up and move and might help you hit your daily step goal! 

So, quit procrastinating and get that Spring cleaning list started! Choose just one area at a time, make a plan for one room at a time and get moving. Give yourself some grace as you won’t finish everything at once, but stick to the plan, finish one room at a time, and in no time your space will be organized, and you will feel so much better.

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5 Healthy Ways to Embrace the Spring Season

Before the sweltering temps of summer arrive, it’s time to enjoy the renewal of Spring and all the beauty that it brings. Spring is a great time to shake off the cold and dreariness of Winter and embrace the beauty and warmth that can nourish us from the inside out. 

While Spring brings a bounty of fresh fruits and veggies (which we all should be taking full advantage of), there might be a few gaps in your nutrition and diet routine. Make sure you also load up on helpful supplements like Vitamin C, probiotics for gut health and Omega 3 fatty acids.

And now that warmer temperatures are around the corner, it’s time to look at some outdoor cardio and other fitness activities so you can get out in the fresh air and sunshine. Now that it’s lighter later, add in a longer evening or morning walk, organize after dinner bike rides with your kids, or walk with a neighborhood group to get some social time in while you move. 

For some, one of the down sides to Spring is the allergies it can bring. And Spring cleaning just might push some over the edge of the allergen cliff. Think about investing in quality air purifiers with an HEPA filter to reduce allergens and improve your indoor air quality. It’s important to make your home a haven from allergies if this is an issue for you. 

For your mental well-being, consider starting a daily meditation practice to help calm your mind, reduce stress, and increase self-awareness. Just 15 minutes a day can make a huge impact on your mental and emotional well-being. You also might try starting a gratitude journal to help you reflect on at least three things you are grateful for each day to foster a more positive mindset. 

As the temperatures rise, your skin might require a bit more attention. Skin health experts advise exfoliating regularly with a gentle cleanser to keep your skin radiant and smooth. You also might want to switch to a lighter moisturizer to provide hydration but keep your skin feeling light. And don’t forget to finish with sunscreen for an extra layer of protection!

With these five tips at the top of your mind, you will be ready to embrace all that Spring has to offer with a healthy mindset, improving your physical health and enjoying the great outdoors once again with family and friends. Beauty begins from the inside out so focusing on all the aspects of your health and well-being (physical, emotional, mental) will help you put your best foot forward and spring into a new and improved you!

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Fun Things to do this Spring

Fun Things to Do This Spring

The dawn of Spring is a glorious time of year as the air is warmer and the days are longer. Fresh food and fresh flowers are all around us and now that it’s more comfortable to be outside again, there are several fun activities to enjoy both indoors and outdoors this Spring. Which one(s) will you and your family enjoy?

If you really sit down and think about it, your Spring activity list could include just about any adventure you can think of. Here’s an initial batch of ideas if you absolutely can’t wait to get back outdoors. If you live in the right part of the country, go see the cherry blossoms! It really is a remarkable site so if you can do this you definitely should. It’s also the perfect time to:

  • Plant a Spring garden.
  • Have a picnic at the park.
  • Join that hiking club you’ve been thinking about since last year.
  • Join a running club or a softball league.
  • Join the craze and hit the pickle ball court.
  • Take up golf (or mini golf if that’s more your speed).

While not an exhaustive list, the one above can get you started. Here’s another list of ideas for some Spring activities if you have kids…or even if you are simply a kid at heart.

  • Go fly a kite (for real, not just an expression).
  • Find a playground and play on the swings or the merry go round.
  • Feed the ducks at the local pond. 
  • Wade in a creek and climb a tree.
  • Blow bubbles.
  • Draw pictures on the sidewalk with colored chalk.

Now that we have a few activities to consider, what to eat is also a big topic come Spring. The possibilities for fresh fruits and vegetables are amazing at this time of year. Enjoy some roasted asparagus, artichokes, new potatoes, spinach, sugar snap peas, and carrots. It’s also the perfect time of year for fresh strawberries and apricots. If you live on the East Coast, it’s also soft-shell crab season. And, with Easter around the corner, don’t forget to enjoy jellybeans and Peeps! 

And there are just some activities that we can really appreciate more in the Spring after a long and harsh winter. For example, open the windows and let the fresh, clean air in and listen to the rain on a Saturday morning. Look for rainbows and head outside in your bare feet to enjoy the sun on your face. Decorate your house with fresh flowers and break out the Spring wardrobe of vibrant colors and open toed shoes! 

The cold and dark days of winter are behind us, and the bright days of Spring are here. Get off the couch and get back outside; it’s great for your mental and physical health. Spring is a beautiful time of year when the earth wakes up from its winter slumber. Get outside and enjoy all this glorious season has to offer…before it’s too hot to be outside!

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Acupuncture & Athletes: A Winning Combination

Acupuncture & Athletes: A Winning Combination

Whether a weekend warrior or a seasoned semi-professional or professional competitor, athletes are always looking for that competitive edge, the thing that can keep them healthy and give them a bit more in the tank to defeat the competition. 

Sports acupuncture is a great tool athletes can use as part of their overall health care strategy. Sports acupuncture is a hybrid form of acupuncture and sports medicine that is specifically used to support sports-related activity. Athletes and runners especially can use sports medicine acupuncture to relieve pain, accelerate the healing of sports related injuries, improve performance, and increase muscle flexibility. Let’s unpack each of these benefits and see just how sports acupuncture can be used to treat athletes. continue reading »

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