Acupuncture is a proven treatment option when it comes to dealing with a host of health problems, from allergies to depression to chronic pain. Acupuncture is the key to restoring the body’s energy flow and achieving balance. Acupuncturists also may use herbal remedies, acupressure massage, and other modalities like LED light therapy to enhance their treatment and get improved outcomes for their patients. continue reading
LED Light Therapy & Acupuncture: A Perfect Pairing
Winning Combination: Cupping & Acupuncture
While you might be familiar with acupuncture or Traditional Chinese Medicine, cupping might be a new concept. It’s become more popular in recent years as celebrities and professional athletes have touted its benefits and proudly showcased the sometimes giant red welts on their bodies. But what is cupping and how does it work with a traditional acupuncture treatment? continue reading
What is Electroacupuncture?
While you might be familiar with what acupuncture is, have you ever heard of electroacupuncture? Just like traditional acupuncture, electroacupuncture uses needles on various acupuncture points. The difference comes in that with electroacupuncture, a small electrode is attached to the needles which allows a small amount of electricity to pass through, giving a slight vibration or low hum during treatment.
Three Reasons to Add Deep Breathing to Your Daily Routine
You might think breathing is second nature, right? You’re doing it right now as you are reading this. But did you know that there are different kinds of breathing and that what is called deep breathing can have important health benefits? Read on to learn just three of the most important reasons you should add deep breathing to your daily routine. continue reading
Seven Healthy Fall Habits
Fall is a great time to reset after a busy summer season. If you established some healthy habits this summer, you definitely want to keep them going to keep your immunity strong as the season changes.
Habit 1: Make sure you moisturize to keep your skin healthy as the weather gets colder and dryer. If you aren’t careful, your skin can crack and chafe which can lead to infection if not treated properly and early on. Anytime after a shower and throughout the day, make sure you use a moisturizing lotion to keep your skin healthy and glowing.
Habit 2: As we head into the holiday season, focus on your financial wellness so you can maintain financial stability and keep your spending habits under control. It could be as simple as a quick check of your accounts but if you are unsure of your financial health, seek out a financial planner or advisor. There are also free tools online that can help you set up a budget and track your spending and your savings.
Habit 3: It’s easy to fall into a trap of gravitating to only those rich and sometimes unhealthy comfort foods as the weather gets cooler. Make sure you are consuming healthy food by taking advantage of all the fall produce available.
Habit 4: Self-care is a must! Make yourself a priority so you can stay refreshed and ready to give your best to your friends and family. This looks different for everyone so give yourself the space to find what works for you. It could be an evening or morning walk, journaling, or having time to read or enjoy another hobby. Whatever it is, carve out the time to do it.
Habit 5: The lack of sunshine that can come in cooler climates can make our Vitamin D levels plummet. Consider adding a supplement to your diet if you find yourself running low. Talk to your health care provider about ways to incorporate more Vitamin D into your diet.
Habit 6: The cooler temperatures that come with fall can open up a wide variety of activities that you just couldn’t fully enjoy during the hot and steamy summer months. Hiking, apple picking, biking, or even just yard work can all get you outside and get your heart rate up. Stay active to boost not just your physical but your mental health as well!
Habit 7: Another great way to get yourself on track heading into the fall is to get those health appointments scheduled. Make sure you get that eye exam and those physicals scheduled so you can keep yourself on track heading to the holidays and you aren’t waiting until something is wrong or trying to squeeze in a visit during the busy holiday season.
Start with one habit and then begin to incorporate the rest and you will feel better than ever this fall!